
Meditation, a word synonymous with concentration, destressing, lightening inner self is being widely used nowadays not only by professionals in almost all fields of life. The irony of life is that just 15% of professionals in the field succeed in the process and rest of fail since the majority of professionals just teach Meditation by just googling the subject. The word seems quite simple but as you go into deeper analyzing the true meaning of the subject, most of Google searching professionals get confused. Just by closing the eyes or concentration on a particular subject, majority of herd observes that they are not able to concentrate more than 10-15 seconds and their attention is diverted to various other subjects wandering in their minds

Further delving into meditation, and analyzing its pros and cons, the scale of pros is so heavy that it becomes almost difficult for a person to judge whether meditation is a replica of our own vibrant life. Sounds strange but true!! Just analyze any phase of life, numerous diseases that it cures starting from Anxiety, Depression, Insomnia, Stress in short almost most of the diseases that cause a person to paralyze his life. A person deep into depression, Anxiety often compares himself/ herself like a dead walking soul unaware of happenings around him/ her going on and just start giving him a small dose of meditation and you see its wonderful effects.

In ancient ages, ourselves practised meditation and continued to live not only hundreds but thousands of years of life that too without food. Sounds crazy Isn’t it? But you, me and most of us must have read the same in our holy books., though the style of meditation has undergone a deep change. Most of the professionals today depend heavily on music to teach meditation which doesn’t provide desired results.

At MJ we have devised a new technique whereby an individual is taught meditation step by step so as to enable him/her to completely surrender their thoughts in a very short time and achieve ultimate destressing of mind. Continued practice makes a person achieve blissful targets conceived by them in their life and moment a person comes out of meditation, he/ she feels an very ecstatic state of mind and feel like to have it again and again.

Stay Blessed,
Meenakshi Jarial.