Hello, Friends. Today We are going to talk about Forgiveness.
An act of voluntarily releasing one’s internal negative energy by feeling remorseful for the act intentionally or unintentionally done to hurt someone’s feelings. Going deeper int the meaning it reveals the true personality of a person seeking forgiveness for the sins he/she has committed towards others and in the process being rewarded eternal peace, Calmness within the self which is a most worthy prize. So summing up forgiveness doesn’t lower the dignity of a person who seeks it, nor does it lower his standing in the Crowd wherein he seeks same, rather it gives him the courage to face uncertain calamities in a very humble manner. Very often we observe owing to our Ego, we normally try not to accept our guilt and in the process, we lower our dignity in front of our colleagues,  friends, relative. Accepting our mistakes and seeking forgiveness from the people we hurt definitely give us a chance to improve our lives far better. It is often said criticism always helps us to mould ourselves much better than flattering which is the main cause of our self-destruction. Submissiveness,  humble attitude, soft tongue are the prerequisites of great personalities we see around ourselves. Seeking forgiveness for the wrongful acts or due to Ego would always give you a lot of market respect for which you had been yearning so long. So why not to give a try? Enough for the day with you all lot of peace of mind, Tranquillity with these small but very valuable tips.
Meet you soon in the next article.
Stay Blessed,
Masocist Dev

Healthy Mind For Healthy Body

Healthy Mind For Healthy Body

As most of you are aware there is a correlation between mind & body. Often we take care of the body and provide it with the best available dishes in the universe but almost ignore our mind which later results in retardedness, dull, ineffective mind that often takes wrong decisions resulting in so many complications of life.
So to have optimum use of mind along with the body, we ought to make our mind healthy.
To keep our mind healthy the first and foremost thing is to have sound sleep which would not only make our mind fresh capable of taking an instant decision of the day to day life but also would allow it to properly synchronize the same with our body health as sometimes we observe our mind and body are in conflict with each other, our healthy body is ready to do an important job but a weak mind distracts us from doing same.
Like to keep our body fit we do different exercises, few small exercises exist to strengthen our mental health, details of which could be shared with our esteemed interested clients. So those interested in same do contact me for further information on the cited subject.
As is well known a healthy mind is always ahead of another herd in this universe and fickle-minded persons often lag in all spheres of life. A healthy mind only makes superior class in the hierarchy and very often we observe the same in almost all classes of society.
The subject could be further elaborated but practical experience in the field will have more positive effects, so Buckup dear friends if you feel your energies are low owing to weak mental health, do contact me for an altogether new transformation of life.
Till then Stay Blessed.
Stay Blessed,
Meenakshi Jarial.


Bonded by a thread of emotions be it psychological, sincerity, love, self-interest, Attachment plays a very effective role in the life of human beings.infact in almost all spheres of life, thinking about living without attachment is just a myth. Though different sorts of attachments can be explained, we will concentrate our energies only one major branch of attachment i.e Love.
What is Love? How does it lead to attachment? Love is basically the attraction of two souls with similar sorts of vibes in two individuals. You might have observed in a herd say of a class, few persons are attracted to each other whereas in some cases you feel distracted towards others in the same herd. How does it happen? Have you ever thought of it? Like in Law of Magnetism or Law of Electricity opposite poles attract each other but in the case of attachments, it is vice versa i.e. persons of negative vibes attract the person of the same vibe & persons with positive vibes attract same vibe individuals.

Often you must have heard bad people make a bad company. How Come? Ever Analysed? I would try to elaborate on this subject further in a more scientific manner. In fact, every individual is surrounded by certain rays around his body which normally we refer to as, “AURA” of that person. Now, this aura has different colors the degree of which varies from person to person.
Persons with dark colors like Black, dark blue, Red had often negative aura since these colors attract a lot of negativity from the atmosphere. Now it is natural for such a person to attract another person with the same negative aura so that strong colors of negativity could be created and this herd constitutes persons with short temperament, impatient creatures, persons with different sorts of vices.

Alternatively, another herd with balanced colors in their aura attracts persons of the same characteristics and you find them Calm, cool, energetic. This is how friendship, attachment is created between different individuals. A positive & balanced color aura between two individuals creates an abundance of love which is eternal, which can’t be broken easily whereas a negative & unbalanced aura between two persons creates bonds of temporary love, love of lust, love of selfishness which don’t survive for long.

We can elaborate this feature further in details but since our function in this organization is to just understand and analyze human nature, for the purpose of his/her treatment, it won’t be required to further elaborate the subject.
I feel a brief explanation of the subject would be sufficient to understand the behavioral pattern of masses. In case someone is more interested to understand the subject, send your queries and I would be pleased to explain to you further.

Have a pleasant & wonderful day ahead.
Meenakshi Jarial

I am a mother; I am a human too.

I am a mother; I am a human too.

Shrusthi rejoined her work post her maternity leaves. Her son is 8months old now. A small lovely family of three persons, Shrusthi, Aarav (husband) and, a sweet little son Ryan. She is working in a good position with one of the telecom companies and Aarav is head of Marketing with one of the IT firms. Ryan now started staying comfortable with the caretaker.
Today Shrusthi is preparing to go to her office after a long time, but she is feeling anxious, though she was showing everything is normal with her. There were many questions in her mind which started from the day she rejoined. On the one hand, she was feeling that she should give more time to Ryan, on the other hand, she felt that it is important for her to be financially independent and grow in her career. Juggling between office, home, Child, and thoughts, Shrusthi started feeling irritable. Aarav was trying to help her at home, but sometimes due to his busy schedule, he uses to feel tired and sleep early.

Shrusthi unable to control her emotions, started having sleepless nights, she uses to cry for hours and use to feel tired all the time. Aarav was understanding the situation and he decided to speak to her. This weekend he helped her to prepare breakfast and both of them relaxing in the balcony while Ryan was with Nanny.

After discussing the problems Shrushthi felt relaxed and she felt positive.

How they understood the problem and came to a solution, they decided:

Shrushthi needs to be kind to herself. They asked for help from their parents so that should be mentally relaxed for Ryan.
Imperfect is new perfect: It’s okay if the home is not clean or you have not made a bed, or you are not looking your best for a meeting, it is perfectly fine. If you will always try to be perfect in everything, you may feel agitated and leave a positive frame of mind.
Love yourself: Make some time for your hobbies, beautician appointment. Do whatever makes you happy. Let the husband take care of the entire home for the time you are mentally relaxing.
Ignore Negative People: Yes, we have such people in the family who may be not in favour of whatever you decide or may not be happy with your progress, but trust your decision and go ahead. Ignore the negative thoughts.

Shruthi and Aarav follow these steps. When are you following?

Lot’s Of Love,
Ruchi Rao



Meditation, a word synonymous with concentration, destressing, lightening inner self is being widely used nowadays not only by professionals in almost all fields of life. The irony of life is that just 15% of professionals in the field succeed in the process and rest of fail since the majority of professionals just teach Meditation by just googling the subject. The word seems quite simple but as you go into deeper analyzing the true meaning of the subject, most of Google searching professionals get confused. Just by closing the eyes or concentration on a particular subject, majority of herd observes that they are not able to concentrate more than 10-15 seconds and their attention is diverted to various other subjects wandering in their minds

Further delving into meditation, and analyzing its pros and cons, the scale of pros is so heavy that it becomes almost difficult for a person to judge whether meditation is a replica of our own vibrant life. Sounds strange but true!! Just analyze any phase of life, numerous diseases that it cures starting from Anxiety, Depression, Insomnia, Stress in short almost most of the diseases that cause a person to paralyze his life. A person deep into depression, Anxiety often compares himself/ herself like a dead walking soul unaware of happenings around him/ her going on and just start giving him a small dose of meditation and you see its wonderful effects.

In ancient ages, ourselves practised meditation and continued to live not only hundreds but thousands of years of life that too without food. Sounds crazy Isn’t it? But you, me and most of us must have read the same in our holy books., though the style of meditation has undergone a deep change. Most of the professionals today depend heavily on music to teach meditation which doesn’t provide desired results.

At MJ we have devised a new technique whereby an individual is taught meditation step by step so as to enable him/her to completely surrender their thoughts in a very short time and achieve ultimate destressing of mind. Continued practice makes a person achieve blissful targets conceived by them in their life and moment a person comes out of meditation, he/ she feels an very ecstatic state of mind and feel like to have it again and again.

Stay Blessed,
Meenakshi Jarial.



Our today’s learning is all about COMMUNICATION & TOGETHERNESS.
Communication is more than just talking.
You give a great deal of information without using words, by your body posture, your tone of voice, and by the expression on your face – and you can see others doing the same. These non-verbal ways of communicating tell the other person how you feel about them. If your feelings don’t fit with your words, it tends to be the non-verbal messages that are heard and believed.
To enhance communication you can:
Kiss and hug your partner every day and give them a smile when you make eye contact.
Set aside time to talk without interruption from other people or distractions like TV, phones or computer games.
Talk about what is happening in your lives, the good and the not-so-good, and how it affects you. Talk about small things and big matters; about something funny you saw or heard; about how you’d like to spend your birthday; or where you‘d like to go for a holiday one day and your concerns about the children.
When appropriate, in a respectful way, try to tell your partner what you are feeling and thinking about a particular matter, even if it might upset him or her.
Really listen to and observe your partner and try to understand his or her intentions, needs and wants.
Communication and Togetherness involve sharing and respecting others thoughts and feelings. Most people have never learned how to communicate, without this skill; a person is handicapped in an intimate relationship.
The Purpose of Communication in Relationship.
Let us understand the importance of communication in a relationship with a case study:
Once I met a couple whose relation had eroded. After having a conversation with a couple, what I realized was, both partners were noticing some anger issues. They both admitted that issue causing the problems were; wife’s anger problems, which was evident when they disagree about something they get into an argument. This inability to communicate without anger was causing him to resent her and withdraw. As we spoke, the wife became clear that her anger was simply a surface emotion that came from a fear she had of being considered inadequate and unworthy for being wrong. So, she found it safer to simply blow up and throw the whole situation into chaos rather than feel the pain of rejection.
After communicating her fear, to her surprise, the husband brightened up and held her hand. Instead of rejection, she found acceptance as a result. Then he shared some of his own fears and they were able to find common ground even in their fears and insecurities.
NOTE: Our fear and insecurities are what create barriers to communication in a way that creates togetherness. How is that true for you?
Till Next Time…
Your Relationship friend,
Sheetal Sethi.