Hello, Friends. Today We are going to talk about Forgiveness.
An act of voluntarily releasing one’s internal negative energy by feeling remorseful for the act intentionally or unintentionally done to hurt someone’s feelings. Going deeper int the meaning it reveals the true personality of a person seeking forgiveness for the sins he/she has committed towards others and in the process being rewarded eternal peace, Calmness within the self which is a most worthy prize. So summing up forgiveness doesn’t lower the dignity of a person who seeks it, nor does it lower his standing in the Crowd wherein he seeks same, rather it gives him the courage to face uncertain calamities in a very humble manner. Very often we observe owing to our Ego, we normally try not to accept our guilt and in the process, we lower our dignity in front of our colleagues,  friends, relative. Accepting our mistakes and seeking forgiveness from the people we hurt definitely give us a chance to improve our lives far better. It is often said criticism always helps us to mould ourselves much better than flattering which is the main cause of our self-destruction. Submissiveness,  humble attitude, soft tongue are the prerequisites of great personalities we see around ourselves. Seeking forgiveness for the wrongful acts or due to Ego would always give you a lot of market respect for which you had been yearning so long. So why not to give a try? Enough for the day with you all lot of peace of mind, Tranquillity with these small but very valuable tips.
Meet you soon in the next article.
Stay Blessed,
Masocist Dev

Healthy Mind For Healthy Body

Healthy Mind For Healthy Body

As most of you are aware there is a correlation between mind & body. Often we take care of the body and provide it with the best available dishes in the universe but almost ignore our mind which later results in retardedness, dull, ineffective mind that often takes wrong decisions resulting in so many complications of life.
So to have optimum use of mind along with the body, we ought to make our mind healthy.
To keep our mind healthy the first and foremost thing is to have sound sleep which would not only make our mind fresh capable of taking an instant decision of the day to day life but also would allow it to properly synchronize the same with our body health as sometimes we observe our mind and body are in conflict with each other, our healthy body is ready to do an important job but a weak mind distracts us from doing same.
Like to keep our body fit we do different exercises, few small exercises exist to strengthen our mental health, details of which could be shared with our esteemed interested clients. So those interested in same do contact me for further information on the cited subject.
As is well known a healthy mind is always ahead of another herd in this universe and fickle-minded persons often lag in all spheres of life. A healthy mind only makes superior class in the hierarchy and very often we observe the same in almost all classes of society.
The subject could be further elaborated but practical experience in the field will have more positive effects, so Buckup dear friends if you feel your energies are low owing to weak mental health, do contact me for an altogether new transformation of life.
Till then Stay Blessed.
Stay Blessed,
Meenakshi Jarial.